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Discover the World of Fair Trade at Selva Life Coffee: Beyond Coffee and Brunch

In our busy daily lives, we sometimes forget the story behind the cup of coffee we enjoy or the delicious brunch we savor. Have you ever wondered where those coffee beans come from or how that perfectly ripe avocado on your toast is grown and harvested? At Selva Life Coffee & Brunch, we immerse ourselves in the world of fair trade to bring you quality food with a special touch.

What is fair trade?

First, let's demystify the concept of fair trade. Simply, it is an ethical approach that seeks to ensure that producers in developing countries are treated fairly for their work. Sometimes the meaning of the expression is diluted in a label that is good to put on our actions, however, it is important to be clear about its meaning and act accordingly.

Imagine a world where every business transaction not only benefits end consumers but also those who grow, harvest and produce the food we enjoy. This is the essence of the philosophy behind fair trade, a belief rooted in equity, sustainability and mutual respect, something very important and worth taking care of.

At Selva, we believe that fair trade is more than a label; it's a lifestyle. We strive to build direct relationships with local and international producers, ensuring fair working conditions and equitable prices. By adopting this philosophy, we contribute to the construction of sustainable communities and the preservation of the environment.

Fair trade not only seeks short-term economic benefits, but also embraces long-term sustainability, because we want to take care of the world we live in.

From the Farm to your Plate: Coffee and Food with Conscience and Sustainability

As we already told you in another post, our coffee is not simply coffee; It is a story of respect and commitment. We collaborate closely with local and global producers who share our passion for quality and ethics. Each bean is grown with care, harvested with respect for the land, and masterfully roasted to bring you a cup of coffee that not only delights your palate, but also respects those who made it possible.

In the same way that the bread we buy at La Puntual, a local business in Girona that guarantees the use of natural ingredients and organic flours, to offer a high-quality product that is both healthy and delicious. At Selva, we value community connection and unmatched quality, and La Puntual is the perfect manifestation of this constant pursuit of sustainability and excellence.

In our menu options you will also find products made with organic milk from la Selvatana, coming from Girona. Produced locally, this milk not only adds a touch of freshness to our drinks, but also supports local producers and encourages sustainable agricultural practices.

In addition to delighting your palate with products of the highest quality, we care about your well-being and the care of the environment. We have the products of Llagosnet, a local company from Llagostera, which specializes in the production of ecological soaps and disinfectants. They use natural and sustainable ingredients, ensuring that your experience at Selva Life Coffee & Brunch is not only delicious, but also conscious and respectful of the environment.

comercio justo en selva life girona

Connecting with the Global Community

Being part of the fair trade movement is not only about what we offer at our tables, but about the connection we establish with communities around the world. By choosing Selva, you are joining a global effort to promote ethical and sustainable commercial practices, in a way, you are also part of a conscious movement with a desire for change.

The next time you enjoy a moment in our cafeteria in Girona, remember that you are being part of something bigger, something that goes beyond what you see on your plate or cup. We are waiting for you to explore together the world of good coffee and good food with a purpose!